367. A Passion Inspired by the Stars
Alex Hofeldt

One of his students shared an awe-inspiring image of deep outer space from the Hubble Telescope. Alex displayed it for the class, intending to say just a few words. His passionate talk consumed the entire period, greeted by enthusiastic applause. In that moment, he realized he had a gift, a passion and a message to share.
Alex Hofeldt sees himself first and foremost as, “a high school science teacher who has the privilege of teaching biology and astronomy to the next generation of students.” His passion project centers around his science-motivational podcast called Beautiful Dust Specks. “I am also a registered yoga teacher, personal trainer, and nutritional counselor. My goal is to live a dynamic life and help others do the same.”
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
The son of two teachers, Alex grew up in a home that valued learning and good teaching. His father, a biology teacher, sparked Alex’s interest in science at an early age, often letting him sit in on his classes. “My goal is to make my classroom a place of lifelong learning, a place where kids can be themselves and learn a lot. My passion is to show people that science is the grandest motivational tool you could possibly imagine. I want to bring a deeper understanding that the ordinary moments in the world are truly extraordinary.” This is part of what animates his passion project, his podcast.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
A simple demonstration about hydrochloric acid and human digestion captured Alex’s imagination as a child. “My dad had let me watch a little bit of the movie, Alien, so I knew the concept of acid. Watching the demonstration, I suddenly realized, ‘Oh my word, this is acid, like in Alien?’ My dad explained how hydrochloric acid could eat through your stomach. I remember asking him, how does it not eat through me? He explained that I have this mucus membrane that lines my stomach and acts as a buffer. It sent me down a rabbit hole, thinking about how the body is so beautifully integrated. Throughout all my science studies, the human body has always been my fascination. That’s probably why I am into health and wellness now. It’s just an expression of my amazement about the human body.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“A student brought me an image from the Hubble telescope’s Deep Field. I put it up for the class to see, intending to give a 15-minute talk about the awesome image. My talk ended up taking the entire class, and the students applauded me at the end. I called it ‘My Big Speech,’ and it’s the foundation of my big hairy audacious goal of one day being a motivational speaker. It showed me that if I get out of my own way, I have talents for speaking, given by the universe, something I can do naturally. I have a message, and it can resonate with people, from kids in high school to whoever. I began to feel in my heart, that’s where I need to go.”
Steps to Success from Alex Hofeldt
1.Don’t squander your gifts. Harness and focus your energy.
2. Share your knowledge in a way that brings it to life for your listeners.
3. Incorporate the practice of mindfulness in all that you do. Keep it simple and show others how to do it.
4. Cultivate a sense of awe for the beauty of the natural world.
On His Bookshelf
Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7), by J. K. Rowling
Top Tools on His Browser
Connecting With Alex Hofeldt
Website: beautifuldustspecks.com
Twitter: @alexhofeldt
Facebook: Facebook.com/yobility (Yoga mobility designed to get you moving)
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