503. Expert Interview: Living a Life of Significance
Aaron Walker

Aaron Walker is, without question, a veteran entrepreneur. Starting his first business at 18 and selling it to a Fortune 500 company nine years later demonstrates his passion for succeeding. He started, bought and sold 12 other successful companies over the past 37 years. A strong desire for personal development has kept him in a weekly mastermind group for nearly two decades, with Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, Ken Abraham and 7 other notable Nashvillians. He has enjoyed a 36-year marriage with his wife, Robin. Today, as president and founder of View from the Top, a premier life and business coaching resource, he spends the majority of his time helping men grow in success and significance.
Living a Life of Significance
After creating successful businesses since he was 18, Aaron’s life came to a tragic and screeching halt on the morning of August 1, 2001. “I was headed to the office when a gentleman named Enrique was crossing a four-lane highway to catch a local bus. He didn’t look my way and, unfortunately, stepped out in front of me. Enrique died three days later. If it had been me who was killed that day, my legacy would have sounded like this: “A poor kid from Nashville, Tennessee, makes some money. retires at 27.” Enrique’s tragic death led Aaron to an intense self-examination. He decided he wanted to live a life of significance.
Why Is This Important?
“I don’t want it to take a tragic accident for people to wake up and take stock of their lives. The accident led me to start living a life of significance. I began thinking about how to look outward and to help people. Today, I teach people how to be an inch wide and a mile deep, rather than an inch deep and a mile wide. That’s the way I want people to live their lives. Yes, I want them to make money and be successful, but at the same time, I want them to reach out and help people. We need to niche down, to focus. We have to be sure our priorities focus on things that truly matter.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
Surround yourself by people who challenge you and share your values. If you’re always the smartest person in the room, you need to find another room! Be intentional about forming your friendships, and find people who will hold you accountable. Joining a mastermind group and committing to it can make a tremendous difference in your life. “I’ve been in mastermind groups now for two decades. I have 10 people around me at all times who are non-biased. I get an honest answer that way.”
Connecting With Aaron Walker
Website: viewfromthetop.com
Twitter: @VFTCoach
Facebook: facebook.com/AaronWalkerVFTT
LinkedIn: aaronwalkerviewfromthetop
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